MESON is endorsed by IUPAP

©2011 MESON2012
designed by menduck


This year we do not interface between the hotels and you. We hope this will allow to avoid unnecessary chaos and let you choose the accommodation which you find most suitable for you. You are free to choose from the plenty of Cracow hotels (using e.g. www.hrs.com).

However, for your convenience we have prebooked a number of hotel rooms in four hotels we collaborated with at the previous editions of the MESON conference. If in your booking you quote the word "MESON 2012" you will get the special price we negotiated for our guests.

The location, prices, deadlines and contact information are collected below (table and map).

Hotel Name Deadline Single Double Breakfast Contact
St. Pigoń Guesthouse subject to
230-250 zł 330-350 zł Incl. hotel.pigonia@uj.edu.pl
Floriańska Guesthouse subject to
230 zł 330 zł Incl. dguj@if.uj.edu.pl
Student Hotel Nawojka subject to
105-115 zł 120-130 zł - nawojka@hotele.studenckie.pl
Student Hotel Żaczek subject to
120 zł 140 zł - zaczek@hotele.studenckie.pl

1 EUR ≈ 4.18 zł (PLN)

<-- tu bedzie mapa -->

MESON2012 - hotels