- Check-in - at Thursday is available to the right of the entrance. From Friday is possible in the Conference Office.
- WiFi
Network name: UJ_WiFi
Login: maximumwifi@uj.edu.pl
Password: Meson2018#
- Before talk - every speaker has to upload file with presentation to the indico system (in advance) or ask technical assistant to copy file with presentation to the session computer (no later than at break before session).
- Time slots - plenary sessions: 25 minutes for talk + 5 for discussion; invited parallel: 20 minutes for talk + 5 for discussion; other parallel: 15 minutes for talk + 5 for discussion.
- Posters - boards have dimensions 0.96 m x 2.5 m, thus we encourage you to prepare your poster in the A0 format, portrait orientation.