MESON 2004
8th International Workshop on Meson Production,
Properties and Interaction
Kraków, Poland
4 - 8 June 2004
The Institute of Physics of Jagiellonian University, Forschungszentrum
Jülich and INFN-LNF Frascati are organizing a biennial workshop to establish
closer contacts between experimentalists and theorists involved in the studies
of meson production, properties and interaction. The workshop will cover
lectures on both experimental and theoretical aspects, in particular the
presentation of new results.
The main topics of the workshop are:
- hadronic meson production in various reactions
- electromagnetic meson production
- meson interaction with mesons, nucleons and
- structure of hadrons
- mesons and fundamental symmetries
- exotic systems
The intention is to provide an overview of the present status in these
fields, as well as of new developments, and a preview of the forthcoming
investigations. This workshop - the seventh of the series - will maintain
the tradition of the workshops organized since 1991 at Cracow. The proceedings
of the most recent workshop, MESON2002 have
been published by World
Scientific Publishing Co.