CRACOW, POLAND 10 - 14 MAY 1996
Organized by:
Institute of Physics, Jagellonian University, Cracow
Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung, Darmstadt
Institut für Kernphysik, Forschungszentrum KFA Jülich
Second Announcement
Lucjan Jarczyk (UJ Cracow), Eckart Grosse (GSI Darmstadt),
Hartmut Machner (KFA Jülich)
Andrzej Budzanowski (IFJ Cracow), Wolfgang Kühn (Univ. Giessen), Reinhard
Kulessa (UJ Cracow), Kornel Sistemich (KFA Jülich)
Scientific Secretaries:
Andrzej Balanda (UJ Cracow), Andrzej Magiera (UJ Cracow)
Conference Address:
Sientific Secretariat of the MESON'96 Workshop
MESON'96 Workshop
Instytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski
ul. Reymonta 4
PL 30-059 Krakow, Poland
fax: ++ 48-12-337086
phone: ++ 48-12-337708
Address of the Conference Center
Conference Center
Kolegium Polonijne im. K. Pulaskiego
ul. Jodlowa 13
PL 30-252 Krakow, Poland
phone: ++ 48-12-219841
A Message From The Organizing Committee:
We are pleased to announce the MESON'96 Workshop will be held in Cracow
from May 10 through May 14, 1996. Note this is our fourth Cracow workshop
on mesons after:
Meson production, interaction and decay in 1991,
Strangeness in nuclei in 1992 and
Meson-nucleus interations in 1993.
During the MESON'96 Workshop, we hope, experimentalists and theorists
involved in the studies of meson production, properties and interactions
will consolidate old and establish new scientific contacts. New already
operating accelerators of medium energy protons, electrons and heavy
ions have opened new experimental possibilities of the meson production
in various processes and made available investigations of meson interactions
and properties. The Workshop program will enable the presentation
of experimental and theoretical aspects of running as well as planned
meson studies. The MESON'96 Workshop will be sponsored by the Institute
of Physics of Jagellonian University, Gesellschaft für Schwerionenforschung
GSI Darmstadt and Kernforschungszentrum KFA Jülich.
Scientific Program:
mesons from p-pbar and p-p collisions,
mesons from nuclear collisions and nuclear medium effects,
electromagnetic processes, hadron structure, a few nucleon systems,
polarization effects, spin observables, prospects for future.
is the former capital of Poland and a seat of the second oldest
university in Central Europe - the Jagellonian University founded
in 1364. The old City of Cracow is an important Polish cultural center.
The MESON'96 Workshop will be held at the
Conference Center
of the Jagellonian University about 6 km from the City of Cracow.
Most of the participants will be accommodated in the Conference Center
hotel. The rest of the participants will stay in a villa close to
the Conference Center or in the
Pollera hotel
in the City. A transportation
will be ensured for those accomodated outside the Conference Center.
Conference Fee
The Conference fee ammounts to 100$ for every participant. The participants
will be entitled to attend all sessions, a social evening on Saturday
evening and a Sunday excursion. One copy of the proceedings as well
as refreshments served during breaks in the sessions will be free.
On-site registration will begin on Thursday afternoon, May 9 at the
Conference Center:
Kolegium Polonijne im. K. Pulaskiego, Krakow, Jodlowa 13,
phone: 48-12-219841.
Plenary morning and afternoon sessions will be held from Friday, May
10 through Tuesday, May 14 except Sunday, May 12. General invited
lectures and seminars as well as a constant poster display are planned.
Social Program:
On Saturday evening, May 11 there will be an informal social meeting
in the Conference Center restaurant. Sunday, May 12 will be free for
optionally chosen excursions:
a sightseeing tour round the
Old City of Cracow and the
Wawel castle,
a short visit to the oldest in Europe
Wieliczka Salt Mine,
a whole day excursion to the
Eagle Nest Valley in the Jurasic Upland
other excursions be organized on request.
A list of cultural events taking place in Cracow during the Workshop
will be available in the secretariat. Tickets should be ordered at
least one day in advance.
The Conference papers will be published in a special issue of Acta
Physica Polonica. The papers should be prepared according to the detailed
instructions given in Acta Physica Polonica vol. 26 (1995).To speed
up the publication of the proceedings the participants are requested
to send in advance or to provide at latest on registration the source
code of the paper in the plain TEX or LaTEX format. PostScript-formatted
figures will be of a considerable help. Two printed copies of a manuscript
are obligatory. It has been foreseen up to 15 pages for a 45 minute
lecture, 10 pages for a 30 minute talk and 3 pages for a 20 minutes
seminar or a poster.
Useful Information
At least one month prior the Workshop begining the participants
are requested to check in a local Polish Embassy or Consular Office
whether a visa is necessary to cross Polish border.
Phone, telex, e-mail
The Conference Secretariat will help with the telex and
E-mail connection from the Institute of Physics. A bill for each telephone
call from the hotel room should be paid the next day at the reception desk.
Correspondence should preferably be send via E-mail to:
or by mail or fax to:
MESON'96 Workshop
Instytut Fizyki, Uniwersytet Jagiellonski
ul. Reymonta 4
PL 30-059 Krakow, Poland
fax: ++ 48-12-337086
Updated information on the Workshop will be also available in
The preliminary version of the program with the list of all lectures
and seminars may be found here.
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